Friday, 12 August 2011


How to Lose Weight Fast with Apples

Losing weight fast and easy is a dream of many. But many people lack sufficient time or inclination for vigorous exercises, or rigid diets. So they look for easy weight loss methods.Here is a simple trick for fast weight loss which is also healthy at the same time. However don't expect to lose weight overnight. Stick to this plan for a few days.  
How Can Apples Help in Fast, Healthy Weight Loss?
The simple trick to fast weight loss is to eat at least 3 apple a day at different times. You can eat it before meals and/or eat it as snacks.

A lot of people eat unhealthy snacks like candy bars, chips, junk food etc. It is difficult to give up this habit quickly.
So, a wise thing is to replace the snacks with something healthier. This can make a huge difference to your weight.

Now for the next few days - instead of eating unhealthy snacks,  reach out for an apple or banana whenever you want to snack. 
Initially it may be difficult. But you can get used to it pretty soon. A simple snack replacement can prove to be one of the best ways to lose weight fast and easy.

Apples Before Meals
You can also eat apples during lunch or dinner. Apples fill your stomach faster as they contain pectin. Pectin is known to make you feel full and you will also retain that feeling for a longer time.

Another great thing about apples is that they are very low in calories. Munching on apples can satisfy your hunger pangs without putting too many calories in your body.  

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